China’s youth seek work in sectors traditionally considered as blue-collar as mindsets shift

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China’s youth seek work in sectors traditionally considered as blue-collar as mindsets shift


Ms Feng and her husband are from the post-2000s generation, the first of whom entered the job market in 2022, just as China and the world were coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The generation has been described as one that goes through life “lying flat” – just doing enough to get by – and having the attitude of giving up on a deteriorating situation.

It comes from a sentiment among many young people in China that they are powerless to combat forces making social expectations unattainable.

But Ms Feng begged to differ, saying that her generation is a “watershed generation” and shares the same ambitions and aspirations as those born in the 80s and 90s, with a positive attitude to boot.

“People may think that the post-2000s generation only want to ‘lie flat’, and are unwilling to go to work and are rebellious towards their supervisors,” she said.

“In fact, what everyone has not seen is that there are also many from the post-2000s generation who work hard and live a positive life.”

She pointed out that rest is also important to a certain degree.

She added that her generation enjoys the advantage of growing up in a country that is growing faster.


The career choice of Ms Feng and her husband has caught attention, after they shared their experience on Chinese social media. It sparked heated discussion on the Internet and attracted extensive media coverage.

Many discussions focused on how more young people are beginning to abandon traditional career paths, as China’s economy comes to a critical juncture after decades of breakneck growth.

Dr Yu Tao, associate professor in Chinese Studies at the University of Western Australia, said the trend of young graduates joining blue-collar jobs is set to grow as mindsets over such work change.

Traditionally, people thought blue-collar work meant work having no autonomy, he noted. However, like in the case of Ms Feng, although the job is physically demanding, those in such jobs have flexibility and can directly negotiate with their clients, he pointed out.

“They feel a sense of ownership of their job, ownership of their life,” he said.

He added the post-2000s generation may work hard on the condition of autonomy and respect that they believe they deserve.

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