What’s next at Stanford, a conference on flat-Eartherism?

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What's next at Stanford, a conference on flat-Eartherism?

To the editor: As Kellyanne Conway and other enablers of former President Trump claimed they had “alternative” facts to present, they were free to assert that these “facts” were just as good as the ones with evidence. (“Can Stanford tell the difference between scientific fact and fiction? Its pandemic conference raises doubts,” column, Oct. 15)

During my 50-year career as a biology teacher and professor, I was sometimes urged by students to have a debate between evolution and creationism. I turned them down decisively.

The theory of evolution is a scientific fact. On the other hand, creationism is a religious concept, not allowing nor demanding any peer-reviewed evidence to support it.

With that in mind, why Stanford’s president would even consider having a “conference” on the COVID-19 pandemic include fact-free conspiracy theorists and their ilk is beyond my comprehension. Perhaps the university should next host a conference discussing the pros and cons of the concept of a flat Earth.

Jerry Lasnik, Thousand Oaks

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