What should we do with the L.A. River? Look to Valencia, Spain

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What should we do with the L.A. River? Look to Valencia, Spain

To the editor: Rather than spending a fortune on a Los Angeles River project that would benefit the few, why not benefit the masses by doing what Valencia, Spain, did to its Turia River in 1969? For flooding purposes it diverted the river and turned the old riverbed into parkland. (“An L.A. River champion offers a vision for reimagining the waterway — and the city’s future,” Oct. 9)

Valencia now has miles of parks that are filled with people enjoying all manner of activities. L.A. needs more parks, and a project like this would bring parks closer to so many people.

Lon Morse, Beverly Hills


To the editor: God bless L.A. River advocate Melanie Winter. I know all about “you haven’t got a chance in hell” advocacy. You’ve got to expend tons of energy and lose at one level after another.

There is nothing quite like a good idea. When an idea is so right, in this case saving a river, a positive response has to exist somewhere in the future.

I hope Winter lives to see the fruit of her labor.

Nathan Post, Santa Barbara

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