Rangers Can’t Win Every Game

by Admin
Rangers Can't Win Every Game

I’ve been reading and not posting because I was angry at the result, Rangers should not be losing to Queen’s Park. Then I thought about it, we are not entitled to win anything why should we be? Just because we have a tag as the world’s most successful football team and are BIGGER than Queens Park.

We had the chances and didn’t take them. The players we have can play the game or they wouldn’t be here, however we need to take defeats like this on the chin, and we are certainly not entitled to bitch about it when we do because this is a game at the end of the day and sometimes stuff happens when the opposition have the game of their lives. We as fans are acting entitled when, in reality Queens Park worked hard as they should, Does anyone think the Dortmund fans were expecting us to pump them in their own backyard? Hell no, but we did and we reached a European final again.

We as a club are struggling just now and as steak holders we do have a right to complain, but that’s where it ends. Abusing the manager and players plus the Board is unacceptable. None of us would like to go to work and be abused regardless of how much we earn, earning money from our skill set is what we all deserve is it not? If some random came up to any of us at work and started being mouthy, what would happen? We would “complain” as that’s not what any of us go to work for. Productivity would drop for a start as we would be pissed off, Now why should footballers be any different, because of money?

Earning money doesn’t stop any of us being angry when our integrity is questioned or our performance is questioned. I have been verbally abused at work and i’ve called the individuals out just like we all would do. The players can’t as they are figures in the public eye and it would be professional suicide to go nuts at fans and we would be the first to complain if they did.

Remember when Eric Cantona went tonto at a fan? That was not acceptable and technically had he been say a factory worker or in retail, he would have been fired and or jailed. The whole team needs us, so let’s not give the Scottish media any more excuses. As i’ve said before, they all hate us as it is. Let’s leave all that to the metal shark throwing clowns from the East End. Let’s be better than that mhob. We can protest, but at the end of the day if we fans keep being abusive, does anyone honestly think the players will say, “I better perform to stop this?”. No they won’t, they will want out.

Just look at Cantwell, he was a bit of a fud, but he was our fud who handed in a transfer request and we lost money. This is just how I feel, others will feel different and that’s fair enough. There are way more important things in life and way more important things happening in this cesspit of a country we live in at the moment. Yes it’s difficult, but it’s time we stay positive as we STILL have European football and in a week’s time the other mhob won’t. They actually don’t care about how far they get as much as they do about overtaking our record, so let them.

Scottish football is NOT the be all and end all, it’s eventually going to change for the better as this European league is not over by a long shot. I also believe big investment is not far away either. Let’s back the players and the manager till the end of the season and see how it all pans out. I don’t want to cringe at Sky Sports News because a section of our fans act like we deserve to win every single game. Yes, losing is not nice, but it’s the nature of the beast in the game we all love. I just want peace as life is too short. I’ve learned the hard way.

Written by RTID71 February 14 2025 10:25:41


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