To the editor: I just want to applaud the writing of Los Angeles Times journalist Brittny Mejia (“The journey to becoming a tall drink of water,” March 7). In her story about patients getting leg-lengthening surgery I felt like I was there during the surgical procedure.
She writes like a novelist or a poet. Writing like this keeps me a loyal L.A. Times subscriber. The following was particularly memorable:
“He was creating a line of perforations circling the femur to make it easier to break the strongest bone in the body, akin to the small holes that help tear a paper towel. When the doctor removed the drill to cool it down in the tech’s waiting cup of water, steam-like wisps of smoke radiated.”
“After pulling out the osteotome, the doctor moved Mattern’s whole leg to the right until there was a loud ‘snap,’ like a wishbone breaking.”
Keep up the great writing!
John Szabo, Newport Beach
To the editor: I had a leg-lengthening procedure in 2013 using the Precice device due to a hip fracture. This life-saving device was nothing short of a miracle for me. Yes, the surgery was horribly painful, but it was worth it in the end.
Patricia Cuthbert Urista, San Pedro