To the editor: Complaining about the price of eggs is not enough (“Why should America worry about Trump? Try the price of eggs, some Democrats say,” March 3). Neither is pointing to President Trump’s lies, cruelty or his appointment of people to run our country based on loyalty rather than experience or skill.
Democrats should focus on two things: the economy and national security, both of which this administration has put in peril. Lurching from imposing tariffs to no tariffs to imposing them again has destabilized our economy and discouraged domestic and international investment.
Trump’s reckless insults to our elected officials, as well as foreign political and economic partners, does not make us look strong. It makes us look amateur, alone and vulnerable.
Kathryn Russell, Long Beach
To the editor: The price of eggs is higher, the stock market is way down, our position in the world order is compromised, we are voting in the United Nations with North Korea and Russia. Empathy, truth and character no longer matter. Please wake me up; this is an awful nightmare.
William Morris, Pasadena