Adam Schiff wants President Biden to drop out of the race. What about voters?

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Adam Schiff wants President Biden to drop out of the race. What about voters?

To the editor: The Democratic Party is in tatters. We must coalesce behind a candidate and fight like hell to win the election.

Rep. Adam Schiff states that Biden should step down because he can’t beat Trump. This is not a valid reason for dismissing a nominee. The question is whether the nominee has the mental and physical capacity to do the job. That should be our focus. But time is a’wasting and we need to unify.

Judy Melton, Pasadena


To the editor: Look, folks. The truth of the matter is that Joe Biden has shown supreme arrogance by not being willing to step down from the presidential campaign. This is nothing new. He was arrogant when he rapidly abandoned Afghanistan and when he chose economic strategies that led to inflation and higher interest rates. Old age does not excuse these lapses in judgment. The view that Joe Biden has been a great president is nonsense.

Sheldon Welles, Pacific Palisades


To the editor: The night of the first presidential debate seems like eons ago, but not to President Biden. In the intervening weeks, Mr. Biden has been on the receiving end of the harshest political censure of his storied career as a public servant.

Normally jarring criticism of a Democratic president would flow in one direction, from right to left. Not this time. Members of the president’s own party are calling for him to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.

Citing age-related issues and vitality as the conditions warranting withdrawal, these calls appear to have reached the party’s upper echelon. With fears that his candidacy may be a drag on down ballot candidates, Mr. Biden, in an act of selflessness, would be wise to rethink his intractable posture.

Jim Paladino, Tampa, Fla.

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