Thousands hit by flooding in North Korea

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Thousands hit by flooding in North Korea

Summer floods in North Korea often cause serious damage to farmlands due to poor drainage, deforestation and dilapidated infrastructure. Typhoons and torrential rains in 2020 were among the difficulties Kim previously said had created “multiple crises” at home, along with draconian pandemic-related restrictions and UN sanctions over his nuclear weapons program.

During his weekend visit to the flooded region, Kim also scolded officials for their failure to prepare and respond to the recent torrential rains, despite previous orders to enhance the country’s measures against natural disasters, KCNA said.

“Seized with defeatism at combat with nature, the officials do not confidently turn out in the disaster prevention work, only expecting chance from the sky,” Kim said, according to the report.

Kim stressed that the irresponsible attitude of those tasked with ensuring people’s safety should not be overlooked. He said the North’s emergency response agency and the Ministry of Public Security didn’t even know the exact populations of the flood-hit areas so the number of people rescued was larger than expected.

Kim’s criticism could be seen as an effort to shift blame while establishing his own image as a leader caring about his people while North Korea struggles with economic difficulties and international isolation, observers say.

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