To the editor: Conspicuous by its absence in your laudatory obituary of Sen. Alan Simpson was any mention of the Wyoming Republican’s despicable slandering of law professor Anita Hill during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings (“Former Sen. Alan Simpson of Wyoming, who bridged partisan gaps with his quick wit, dies at 93,” March 14).
There are those of us who will never forget his claim that he was being flooded with letters “over the transom” telling him to “watch out for this woman” — letters that he never produced. His shameful treatment of Hill should at least have been mentioned to provide a full and accurate picture of this man.
Angela M Sousa, Beverly Hills
To the editor: When my wife and I were at the Lodge at Torrey Pines for a golf tournament a few years ago, we met a most friendly gentleman who turned out to be Simpson. We chatted for a while, and I asked him if he lived his entire life in Wyoming. He quickly replied with a smile, “Not yet.” I called him later that year in Cody, Wyo., and we visited for about 10 minutes. That was our last goodbye.
As fate would have it, “Not yet” sadly arrived a few days ago at his age of 93. If you had met him, you would have loved him for his open friendliness and quick wit. So, buddy, keep a watch on the Senate from above; it is worthwhile.
Judd Swarzman, Encino