NEW YORK CITY: Atlantic Theater Company and the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) today announced a tentative agreement covering nearly 100 production workers employed by the company. The agreement is pending approval via ratification by the workers. This would end a painful strike that began on Jan. 12 and shut down two productions then in previews.
According to a joint statement from the Atlantic and IATSE, the proposed agreement includes significant compensation increases, including comprehensive benefits that both parties believe reflect the essential contributions of the production crew to the company’s success. Full details will be made available to the workers and organization stakeholders in the coming days.
This agreement would make the Atlantic Theater Company the first nonprofit theatre company producing solely Off-Broadway to have a union agreement covering all production classifications. It also may set the stage for deals with more Off-Broadway companies, including the Public Theater and the Vineyard, which have both recognized the union.