Are ballots getting tossed because we don’t teach cursive anymore?

by Admin
Are ballots getting tossed because we don't teach cursive anymore?

To the editor: Nearly 200,000 ballots were flagged for signature issues in California. Even though many of these were verified, more than 83,000 votes were not able to be counted.

If this is not an indication that we need to teach cursive handwriting in school, I don’t know what is.

And this is only California. What about the rest of the country?

Lorraine Knopf, Santa Monica


To the editor: I’m 80 years old. My signature has never been consistent.

It started as given name, middle initial, last name. When I got my driver’s license, I dropped the initial. This lasted through voter registration, I think.

By the time I was writing prescriptions, it was “P Mauer” except on legal documents such as my will. Otherwise, it has deteriorated to a barely legible scrawl.

I really don’t know which one I used to register to vote.

Patrick A. Mauer, Pasadena

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