ASU Preparatory Academy Educators Enhance Stem Knowledge at Inaugural Microspark Conference

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ASU Preparatory Academy Educators Enhance Stem Knowledge at Inaugural Microspark Conference

TEMPE, Arizona – Educators with a passion for STEM learning gathered with their peers and industry leaders at the inaugural MicroSpark ASU Prep Microelectronics Conference, heldlast week in Tempe and Chandler. Designed for ASU Preparatory Academy teachers who are teaching STEM or would like to grow their STEM knowledge, the event equipped educators across the ASU Prep network with information and resources to help engage students in science, technology, engineering and math, both in the classroom and as a future career choice.

Arizona is a global leader in microelectronics, with multi-billion-dollar facilities being established or expanded locally, which in turn requires a large STEM workforce. As a college-preparatory school network aligned with the Arizona College and Career Ready standards, ASU Prep prioritizes STEM learning so students become aware of these fields, industries and pathways to high-end STEM and STEM-related careers.

“ASU Preparatory Academy is a critical element of the pipeline design towards engineering, technical and business roles that connect to semiconductor manufacturing and microelectronics in Arizona,” said Rachna Mathur, Senior STEM Strategist for ASU Preparatory Academy, who previously worked in the semiconductor industry for more than a decade. “We continually focus on inclusive learning and principled innovation in all our initiatives, especially in STEM, where we need diverse voices among tomorrow’s leaders, designers and innovators.”

The MicroSpark conference was designed to introduce K-12 teachers to the microelectronics industry, concepts and careers; equip teachers with resources to integrate microelectronics into their lessons; and foster connections between educators, Arizona State University faculty and industry professionals.

This first-of-its-kind microelectronics-focused conference was the result of collaboration among the ASU Fulton Engineering School of Manufacturing Systems and Networksand the Southwest Advanced Prototyping (SWAP) Hub at ASU, a partner of theCHIPS & Science Act of 2022, which supportssemiconductor and microelectronics education in K-12. In addition, the Semi Foundation supported a Micro:Bit hands-on workshop and sponsored class kits for all participating teachers, and NXP Semiconductors in Chandler served as host for the second day of the conference.

Leading academic and industry professionals who lent their expertise to the program, included:

  • Dr. Binil Starly, Professor and School Director of the School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks (MSN) within the Ira. A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, and Dr. Shawn Jordan, Interim Director of the School of Integrated Engineering and an Associate Professor of Engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, who presented an “Introduction to Microelectronics”
  • Bia Hamed, Perla DeBaggis and Nick Irigoyen, an expert team from the Semi Foundation that facilitated the hands-on Micro:Bit workshop
  • John Cain, Rylan Rysle and their team at NXP Semiconductors, who served as hosts for the second day of the conference, which included a workshop, tours and sessions
  • Faridodin “Fredi” Lajvardi, President, CEO and Director of STEM Initiatives for the Si Si Puede STEM Center, who presented on “Robotics in Arizona”

Educators participating in the conference include 25 teachers and support staff representing all five local ASU Prep campuses (Phoenix, South Phoenix, Casa Grande, Pilgrim Rest and Polytechnic) and ASU Prep online programs (Digital and Khan World School at ASU Prep).


ASU Preparatory Academy is chartered by Arizona State University and serves more than 7,000 students across its network. ASU Prep uses innovative approaches to curriculum to prepare all students for success in graduating from a university. Its mission is to design new models for educational success and raise academic achievement for all learners. ASU Preparatory Academy has schools in Phoenix, South Phoenix, Mesa and Casa Grande. In addition, ASU Prep Digital serves online students for grades K–12 in Arizona and around the world and ASU Prep Digital+ serves hybrid students in grades 9-12. For more information, visit

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