Brussels, my love? What’s on voters’ minds, one month before mammoth elections

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Brussels, my love? What's on voters' minds, one month before mammoth elections

In this edition, we zoom in on the spike in violent attacks against politicians and check what topics will get Europeans out voting this June.


This week, we are joined by Els Bruggeman, Head of Policy at Euroconsumers, Roderick Kefferpütz, director of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung and Ailbhe Finn, Executive Director of European Liberal Forum. 

With one month to the European Parliament elections, the panel touch on topics they think could bring people to the polls. 

“By far our number 1 is cost of living and inflation, but also energy prices, the wars, climate change”, Els Bruggeman said adding that the relationship with Brussels and people is ‘complicated’, that people have high expectations for Europe but a kind of love/hate relationship. 

Ailbhe Finn hopes there will be a balanced discussion on migration 

“I think that we need to be honest about the types of housing that migrants and refugees are using. There are new houses, thousands of new houses being created every year. That’s not a lot of solace for people who are still living at home or are really struggling to buy their first home. But we can’t let migration be scapegoated for that.”

Guests also picked apart the increase in violence against politicians.. 

Watch Brussels, my love? in the player above.

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