Cheraine Collette: The Silent Elegance of Nature and Art

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a group of leopards lying on a staircase

Cheraine Collette: A Personal Connection to Art

One artwork that holds special meaning to Cheraine Collette is Carel Willink’s ‘Camel in the Park at Versailles.’ Willink’s passion for exotic animals, marble sculptures, and palatial surroundings resonates deeply with Collette, reminding her of her own travels to extraordinary European palaces. These experiences, filled with moments of connection with animals and the discovery of beautiful sculptures, sparked her creative flow and continue to inspire her work today.

Among her own creations, the first six artworks from her ‘Marvels’ series hold a special place in Collette’s heart. Pieces like ‘Water Ballet,’ ‘Waltz of the Whales,’ ‘Stairs and Stripes,’ ‘Stairing Lions,’ ‘Tallest in the Building,’ and ‘Dress Code’ marked a significant point in her career. These works, which earned her first place in fine art at the IPA in 2019 and overall winner at the Julia Margaret Cameron Awards in 2020, encouraged her to pursue her dream of becoming a professional artist.

Collette’s choice of medium evolved from a love of drawing and painting at a young age to an introduction to photography and digital painting during her studies. Combining fine art photography with digital painting allowed her to express her vision in a way that neither medium could achieve alone. This blend enabled her to create detailed, layered, and imaginative works, offering versatility and depth for her creative expression. Exploring 3D sculpting and rendering has also expanded her artistic repertoire, allowing her to experiment with lighting, shadows, and new settings.

Cheraine Collette recently showcased her excitement about her latest work, ‘Tigers Tranquillity,’ from her ‘Marvels’ series. This piece was exhibited at the Chianciano Biennial, featuring contemporary art from 150 artists worldwide. Additionally, Collette received the joyful news that her work has been admitted to the international art show ‘Context Art Miami,’ which runs from December 3rd to December 8th. This could be an opportunity to see her work in person.

While some projects are still in the submission process, Collette invites art enthusiasts to stay updated on her latest works, publications, and upcoming exhibitions through her website and social media platforms. This connection with her audience ensures that her artistic journey remains vibrant and evolving, continually inspired by new ideas and experiences.

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