Climate change A to Z: an FT jargon buster

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Climate change A to Z: an FT jargon buster

Adaptation Making changes to deal with the effects of climate change — both now and in the future. This includes building infrastructure such as flood and fire defences, developing crops that can cope with new climatic conditions, and exploring new ways of cooling buildings.

Air/Atmosphere While oxygen is critical to life on earth, it is not the main component of the atmosphere. It is composed of about 78 per cent nitrogen and 21 per cent oxygen. It also has small amounts of other gases such as carbon dioxide, neon and hydrogen, plus particles such as soot and microbes.

The damaging effects of carbon, methane and other greenhouse gases are evident in their description: though small in proportion, they powerfully absorb and trap heat.

Air pollution Is distinct from carbon and greenhouse-gas emissions, and is not always caused by climate change.

AQI Air pollution is measured with an Air Quality Index, or AQI, which is calculated as a combination of different types of pollution, such as small particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and ozone. When the AQI is more than 100, it’s about the same as breathing in exhaust from a car all day. However, AQI is not a standardised formula — countries can calculate AQI in different ways.

Afolu Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use is a term that is used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (see IPCC) report on climate change.

Aosis The Alliance of Small Island States, made up of island and coastal states, mostly in the Pacific and Caribbean, that are likely to be the most affected by rising sea levels, extreme weather and other effects of global warming. 8300 44f8 980e 769468f90570

Biofuel A fuel derived from renewable, biological sources, including crops such as maize and sugar cane, and some forms of waste.

Biomass Renewable organic material that comes from plants and animals. d0fa 4a53 90da 84e2a248cafa

Climate is the average of weather, and includes phenomena such as rain, flooding, drought and storms, heat and cold, and other extreme weather events.

Climate change refers to the shifts in climate that result from the warming of the planet. The impact of climate change is not uniform: one place could become wetter because of climate change, and another could become drier. Some places are heating up much more quickly because of climate change (particularly in polar regions) while others have experienced only small temperature shifts.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) An EU proposal that will place a carbon price on imports of a targeted selection of products from countries with less ambitious national climate policies. This is designed to avoid what is known as “carbon leakage”, or the transfer of production by businesses to countries with more lax emission constraints.

Carbon budget The total amount of carbon that can be released into the atmosphere before breaching a given level that would lead to global warming beyond agreed limits.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) Refers to capturing carbon dioxide — typically when it is close to the source of emissions, such as at the smokestack on a power plant — and then permanently storing (or sequestering) the CO2, for example by injecting it underground.

Carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) As above, but using the carbon rather than storing it. In other words, capturing and recycling the carbon for further use. For example, by injecting it or binding it to something else, for example to harden “green” cement.

Carbon dioxide CO2 in the air is measured in parts per million — so in 2022 the air contained about 417 parts of carbon dioxide for each 1mn parts of air. This compares with pre-industrial levels of an estimated 280 ppm. Scientific consensus is that the planet remains healthy for humanity at up to 350.

Total energy related carbon dioxide emissions in the 2022 year alone were 36.8bn tonnes (source: IEA report).

Total greenhouse gas emissions (see entry) were estimated at 59bn tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2019, with an error margin of about 10 per cent, according to the scientists behind the latest IPCC report (see IPCC),

Carbon dioxide equivalent Greenhouse gases each have a different global warming potential. To be able to compare the amounts of other gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide on the basis of their global-warming potential, the carbon dioxide equivalent is needed.

Carbon intensity Measure of carbon dioxide emissions relative to a unit of revenue (for a company, ExxonMobil, for example) or relative to GDP (for a country). For example, if a company is growing its revenue faster than its emissions, then the carbon intensity ratio will decrease over time — even if its absolute emissions still increase.

Some developing countries have adopted carbon intensity targets, rather than absolute emissions targets, to accommodate their fast-growing economies. For example, China’s target is to reduce carbon intensity by more than 65 per cent by 2030, relative to 2005 levels. But that reduction in carbon intensity belies the fact that absolute emissions will rise even while that goal is met.

Carbon leakage Refers to the relocation of an industry to countries where emission rules are weaker.

Carbon neutral Only refers to the balancing out of carbon emissions with carbon removal. This differs from ‘net zero’, which typically includes the removal or offsetting of all greenhouse gas emissions, including methane and hydrofluorocarbons.

Carbon offset Compensating for the release of emissions by making a cut or saving of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This could involve the planting of trees or another carbon removal activity.

CDR Carbon dioxide removal — this term covers all forms of removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, including by machines or other forms of technology.

Carbon price A cost applied to carbon dioxide pollution to incentivise businesses and consumers to reduce carbon-intensive activities. It can come in the form of either a tax or a pollution permit that companies trade.

Carbon sequestration Storing carbon dioxide, either naturally, through its absorption by trees and plants, or mechanically, through carbon capture and storage (see entry). 810f 4c47 8c01 b9499d82830f

Decarbonisation Eliminating or reducing carbon dioxide emissions, generally through the replacement of energy sourced from coal, oil and gas.

Direct Air Capture (DAC) Using machines to draw in carbon from the air. 1a72 4e45 b8c2 81cbdeba70ea

Emissions Trading Scheme/System (ETS) Emissions trading works by setting a cap on the total amount of greenhouse gases that can be emitted by polluters and issuing allowances accordingly. The cap is reduced over time so that total emissions fall. Carbon allowances can be bought at auction and traded, and these markets determine the carbon price. Each unit traded is meant to cover a tonne of carbon emitted.

EU taxonomy An EU-wide classification system to provide companies and investors with a common framework for identifying to what degree economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable. To this end, the EU has set out six environmental goals, with most having a direct or indirect link to climate change. It will require large companies to disclose whether their capital spending is aligned with the EU’s environmental objectives. 88bb 4503 af28 1d237de81bae

Fossil fuels Formed from the remains of plants and animals over millions of years. The main fossil fuels are coal, petroleum and natural gas. When burnt they release carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases (see Greenhouse gas). 44d0 43eb a865 294af80a55ec

Global warming Refers to the fact that the planet is hotter now, on average, than it has been over the past century. Average air temperatures are estimated to be about 1.1C warmer now than they were in 1900. Oceans have warmed as well.

Global average temperature The mean surface temperature of the Earth measured from three main sources: satellites, monthly readings from a network of land stations and sea surface temperature measurements from a shipping network.

Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero (Gfanz) Group of financial institutions that has backed the UN Race to Zero campaign that has pledged to decarbonisation the world economy and reach net zero emissions by 2050.

Under the Gfanz umbrella, the banks are represented by the Net Zero Banking Alliance (see entry) and the fund managers are represented by the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative.

Greenhouse gas The main gases causing the heating of the atmosphere are carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, nitrous oxide and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCS). 

Total annual greenhouse gas emissions were estimated at 59bn tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2019, with an error margin of about 10 per cent, according to scientists that signed off the latest IPCC report (see IPCC). This is mostly made up of carbon dioxide, as well as others such as methane and nitrous oxide.

Green bonds Green bonds, green loans, nature bonds, social bonds, sustainability bonds — the definition depends on the use of proceeds.

Green bonds were created to fund projects that have positive environmental and/or climate benefits. Sustainability-linked bonds and loans involve specific reporting or project selection criteria. Check the requirements as set down by the International Capital Market Association and Loan Market Association. ca6c 46b3 a480 d24f6b66d726


Green hydrogen Made by using clean electricity from renewable energy technologies to electrolyse water (H2O), separating the hydrogen atom within it from its molecular twin oxygen. Currently expensive.

Blue hydrogen Produced using natural gas but with carbon emissions being captured and stored, or reused. Negligible amounts in production because of a lack of capture projects.

Grey hydrogen This is the most common form of hydrogen production. It comes from natural gas via steam methane reformation but without emissions capture.

Brown hydrogen The cheapest way to make hydrogen but also the most environmentally damaging because of the use of thermal coal in the production process.

Pink/purple hydrogen Made using nuclear energy to power the electrolysis.

Turquoise hydrogen Uses a process called methane pyrolysis to produce hydrogen and solid carbon. Not proven at scale. Concerns around methane leakage. caad 4f81 958e cb0590b25e54

IPCC The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a scientific body established by the UN Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization in 1988 to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the latest knowledge in climate change and its potential effects. Thousands of scientists contribute to its work on a voluntary basis. 954c 4d40 8a46 1dd0089702bd

Levelised cost of energy (LCOE) is a measure of a power source that allows comparison of different methods of electricity generation on a consistent basis.

The LCOE can also be regarded as the minimum constant price at which electricity must be sold in order to break even over the lifetime of a project. 61c2 4710 96b8 7d5f3766526c

Methane Potent warming gas that comes both from natural and man-made sources, the latter including gas leaks, rice paddies, landfill and coal mining. Natural sources include swamps, cows, wetlands and melting permafrost. Natural gas is made up mainly of methane.

A methane molecule is about 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide on a weight basis. But it also has a much shorter lifespan, lasting about 12 years compared with CO2, which stays in the atmosphere for a century or longer.

On a 20-year time horizon, methane has 80 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide.

Mitigation Ways to prevent climate change from getting worse, including by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or increasing the absorption of emissions back into nature, by mechanical and chemical processes. f813 45f7 a529 5d83283f086a

Net zero Cutting emissions as close to zero as possible and compensating for any remaining emissions with projects that remove emissions from the atmosphere, such as planting trees or funding offset projects.

Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) Each nation’s climate plans, including climate-related targets, policies and measures that each government aims to implement in response to climate change and as a contribution to global action. A comprehensive guide to national climate targets is here.

Net-Zero Banking Alliance Part of the Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero umbrella group, made up of 98 member banks accounting for more than 40 per cent of global banking assets.

New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) One of the key UN climate finance agenda items agreed during the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai in December 2023. A new global climate finance goal from a floor of $100bn is to be set out by the end of 2024.

Nitrous oxide (N2O), commonly known as laughing gas, is a greenhouse gas with warming potential. It is produced by agriculture and fertilisers.

Nitrogen dioxide Pollutant that comes primarily from road transport and diesel vehicles. fa6f 4cc9 be33 c9c47977e0cf

Ocean acidification The ocean absorbs about a quarter of the carbon dioxide caused by human activity from the atmosphere. When it dissolves in seawater, carbonic acid is formed. Carbon emissions in the industrial era have already lowered the pH of seawater by 0.1. This can affect the survival of marine organisms and kill coral reefs. 24f6 48a9 9c7f 89e7a4639cc2

Paris climate agreement The agreement aims to limit global warming to well below 2C above pre-industrial levels and ideally to 1.5C. It was adopted in 2015 and entered into force in 2016. It has been ratified by 193 countries. Each country sets voluntary targets for their own emissions, and tightens these targets over time (see NDCs).

PPM Abbreviation for parts per million. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has indicated that greenhouse gas levels must remain below 450 ppm CO2 equivalent in order to avert dangerous climate change. That level peaked at almost 420 ppm in 2021. 99e2 4df1 9c1c 4df60e4f0b0c

REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation is a UN-affiliated programme to provide developing countries with a financial incentive to preserve forests. bfed 4394 bf37 cf4f3318201e

Science-based targets Targets are considered “science-based” if they are in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to meet the goals of the Paris agreement to limit global warming to well below 2C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5C. 

Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions Greenhouse gas emissions are categorised into three groups or “Scopes” by the most widely used international accounting tool, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Scope 1 covers direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the reporting company. Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain. Many companies do not include Scope 3 emissions in their reporting.

Sustainable development goals (SDGs) These are 17 goals under the auspices of the UN agreed in 2015 by world leaders with a 2030 target. They include the goals of ending poverty and other deprivations alongside improvements in health, education, inequality and economic growth, at the same time as tackling climate change and preservation of the natural environment.

Sustainable finance regulation directive EU regulation that came into force on March 10 2021. Aims to impose disclosure of sustainability risk on financial institutions, pension funds and insurance companies. Includes all sustainability risk, not only climate but also social and governance. 6a8d 424b a87f 19612a183e84

Tipping point Critical climate thresholds that, once passed, can lead to irreversible changes to our planetary systems. Global warming could potentially push several systems past these thresholds.

TCFD Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures — launched in 2015 during the Paris climate negotiations as a market-driven initiative, backed by Mark Carney, then Bank of England governor and now UN special envoy for climate action and finance. Former SEC chair Mary Schapiro leads its secretariat.

Their aim is to produce voluntary, consistent, climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers and other stakeholders. e490 405d 85fa 86809029f6a3

UNFCCC The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is one of a series of international agreements on global environmental issues opened for signature at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. The UNFCCC aims to prevent “dangerous” human interference with the climate system. It entered into force on March 21 1994 and has been ratified by 192 countries. 431f 4e75 9caa 3650d351262c

Value chain emissions Otherwise known as Scope 3 (see Scope 3 above). For many businesses, value chain (scope 3) emissions account for more than 70 per cent of their carbon footprint. 9d81 42fa bf5b 6cedbb9dc4af

Watts Kilowatts (1,000), Megawatts (1m), Gigawatts (1bn). Represents the rate at which energy is used or generated.

The average US home uses just under 11,000 kWh per year, or 1.25kW in an average hour. So we can probably say that 1GW is enough to power about 90,000 US homes per year under average conditions. 850c 4a9a bdbe 913e79109d35

Zero carbon Means that no carbon emissions are produced at all. This compares with ‘net zero’, where greenhouse gas emissions are balanced out.

This guide will be updated regularly.

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