Israel must focus on getting its hostages home, not obliterating Rafah

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Israel must focus on getting its hostages home, not obliterating Rafah

European support for the state of Israel further collapsed over the weekend, building on the outrage over the deaths in Gaza expressed in recent days by international courts. In a coordinated move Tuesday, Spain, Ireland and Norway all formally recognized a Palestinian state. Israel’s response was to withdraw its ambassadors from those countries and to effectively oblige their ambassadors to Israel to come and watch footage of the Oct. 7 attacks. We’ve seen much of that footage, so we know its horrific content. But it is no longer enough to persuade most European nations to maintain their support for the Gaza military initiative. And that’s a reality Israel has to look in the eye.

The U.S. might be Israel’s most important ally and biggest arms supplier but its reputation in nearby Europe can’t be ignored.

Granted, Ireland in particular has a long history of squishy support for Israel’s right to securely exist; some believe that’s due to a certain shared history with the Palestinians in that both Ireland and Palestine were under British control in the first decades of the 20th century.  Former British Prime Minister Arthur Balfour, author of the Balfour Declaration in 1917, widely seen by Palestinians as an infamous foundational document that gave crucial British support to a Jewish homeland, also was British cabinet secretary for Ireland some years earlier and was similarly detested by Irish nationalists. So there’s that history, and Ireland’s tiny Jewish population (some 2,500 out of a nation of roughly 5 million) is also relevant.

We’d also note that the European declarations tacitly implied that Hamas actually wants a two-state solution, as distinct from the total obliteration of Israel, as both the Hamas charter and history teach us and as anyone who has listened to campus protesters’ chants well knows. For Hamas and its leaders such as Yahya Sinwar, the war is one of religion more than of geopolitics and thus hardly fits within the simplistic “anti-colonialist” blinders found on U.S. campuses. Sinwar has made that all too clear.

Israel suffered its own version of Sept. 11, 2001, in a war started by Hamas, it bears repeating. And time and again, we’ve seen outside countries and groups telling Israel what it should not do in the face of the horrific attacks it suffered Oct. 7, while having little or nothing to say in terms of what it should.

Still, the horrors of Sunday’s Israeli attack on tents filled with Palestinian refugees, described by the flailing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “a tragic accident,” were disastrous for Israel and for those of us whose support for Israel’s right to defend itself has been steadfast, and remains so, but who want to see a swift end to all of this bloodshed of the innocent. We have no illusions about the clear and present dangers of Hamas, but the images from Tal al-Sultan were deeply disturbing.

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