He said he wants to be the people’s emperor, like his grandfather Emperor Emeritus Akihito and uncle Emperor Naruhito.
But unlike them, he has not been mentored for the role – a concern to imperial watchers.
An even bigger worry is the future of the imperial line. Under the Imperial House Law, only males can inherit the throne.
But no boys have been born since Prince Hisahito, who has said he has not thought deeply about marriage yet.
With the royal family running out of heirs, there is debate among lawmakers on whether there is a need to change succession rules.
Some observers said the government needs to look more closely at solutions to preserve the imperial household, including expanding the size of the royal family or accepting the succession of female heirs.
Currently, female imperial family members who marry commoners are forced to give up their royal status.
Hisahito has two older sisters – the eldest, Mako, lost her title in 2021 when she married her college sweetheart.