To the editor: An executive coup, illegal firings, illegal deportations, the economy on a downward spiral, our president doing a car commercial on the White House lawn, threats against judges, protests against authoritarianism around the country and world, and the top article is about psychics (“What the dead have to say to the living: Lessons from a psychic reading,” March 11)? I don’t even recognize the L.A. Times anymore.
Megan Torrey-Payne, Glendale
To the editor: When there are so many vital newsworthy events happening in our country, in our state, in our cities, you opt to make a story about “life after death” and “the world beyond” front-page news. What about all of the peaceful marches and protests that are happening daily? What about the state of our diminishing democracy? What about the oligarch takeover of our economy?
Monika Clemens, Oak View
To the editor: How the mighty Times has fallen. “Whether the dead actually speak to the living may not be the point,” you say. No amount of weasel-wording can conceal this unmistakable con. By discounting the factual disproving of every soi-disant [French for self-proclaimed] psychic to date, and actually championing the grief vampires who prey on vulnerable people, The Times falls short of its mission.
Dave Suess, Redondo Beach