Lifeguard who can’t stand LGBTQ+ Pride flag shouldn’t be a lifeguard

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Lifeguard who can't stand LGBTQ+ Pride flag shouldn't be a lifeguard

To the editor: So an L.A. County lifeguard is so offended by an LGBTQ+ Pride flag flown near his station that he’s compelled to sue the county over it? If he knew a given swimmer in distress checked one of the LGBTQ+ boxes, would he hesitate to save them?

If, as his lawsuit alleges, he’s suffered “severe emotional distress,” this lifeguard might not be fit for duty. I would suggest an unpaid leave of absence to recover from his trauma.

To hasten his recovery, I would suggest he spend that downtime in pursuit of a true understanding of the fundamental tenets of his professed Christianity. He’ll find love and tolerance at the top of that list.

Dean Pratt, Los Angeles


To the editor: Here’s an idea — let’s just fly the American flag on government and public property. As I recall, that flag represents all of us.

If every group demanded to have their flag fly alongside the American flag, it would look like the circus this issue has become.

At your home, fly any flag you want to represent your individual values. On property we all share, one flag please.

Rodney Kemerer, Beverly Hills


To the editor: I found two things in your article about the lifeguard suing L.A. County to be very disturbing.

First, he looks down on LGBTQ+ people so much that he can’t bring himself to work in a building that flies a Pride flag. I think he should not be in the public safety business if he is so intolerant. He has to serve all of the public.

Second, the man earned a whopping $210,000 as a lifeguard last year. That is not a good use of taxpayer funds, particularly when he still has time to work as a financial planner.

Someone needs to take a good look at lifeguard compensation.

Jeffrey Stewart, Los Angeles

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