Privacy laws make it hard to learn outcomes when police are disciplined

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Privacy laws make it hard to learn outcomes when police are disciplined

To the editor: The article about the LAPD and the racist comments that were made by some officers is disturbing but not surprising (“Secret recordings reveal LAPD cops spewing racist, sexist and homophobic comments, complaint alleges,” March 10). Yet the public will never find out what happened to these officers because of privacy laws. So we have accomplished nothing — just another report with no conclusion.

Luis Cruz, La Mirada


To the editor: The history of racist remarks at the LAPD is clearly illustrated in the novels of Joseph Wambaugh, a former police officer who was prolific in the 1970s. “The New Centurions,” “The Blue Knight” and “The Choirboys” all sound exactly like the recordings described in the article. Obviously, little or nothing has changed in the ensuing years.

Noel Park, Rancho Palos Verdes

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