To the editor: I write from the relative safety of Perth, Western Australia, where it’s summer and we are in our own fire season. Like yours, our firefighters have also been extraordinary in what they’ve done so far. (“Thousands of homes burned in Palisades, Eaton fires; more days of fire weather ahead,” Jan. 9)
I was moved to tears watching what’s happening to your people and the beautiful city of Los Angeles. I wanted you all to know that while we may be a long way away, we care, and we send our love and best wishes for the lowest possible loss of life and property.
To those who have lost property, loved ones or friends, we send our thoughts and prayers.
Rob Didcoe, Perth, Australia
To the editor: As I sit and watch the footage of the terrible wildfires, my heart breaks for homeowners, residents and the emergency firefighters dealing with nature’s wrath.
We too are fully aware of the impact of fire on the community. Our state is the most ravaged by fire in Australia.
To all those affected by the fires — and they will impact the whole community — please know that we on the other side of the world grieve for you and your loss. Seek support and kindness wherever you can find it.
You are not alone. Our thoughts are with you.
Karen Ford, Melbourne, Australia