Readers split on Santa Monica Bay Foundation’s acquiescence to Trump

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Readers split on Santa Monica Bay Foundation's acquiescence to Trump

To the editor: Thank you, columnist Sammy Roth and the L.A. Times, for this much-needed article (“Santa Monica Bay’s protectors caving to Trump,” March 13). You have informed us that Tom Ford of the Bay Foundation has shamelessly obeyed in advance and helped execute President Trump’s wishes that the issues of climate change and diversity, equity and inclusion be erased from our society.

The foundation did not, in fact, receive orders from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to remove language about climate change and DEI, yet Ford did so anyway. Trump has no legal power to manipulate and manage local and state entities, so Ford chose to do the president’s bidding. Chasing ways to please and appease a bully never works; it just strengthens the bully.

Deborah Bird and William Wright, Venice
The writers are evolutionary and marine biologists, respectively.


To the editor: While I understand and sympathize with Roth’s questioning of the foundation’s edits to its annual work plan in order to placate fascist Trump administration edicts about climate change, his alarmist reaction should be resisted. The foundation has a long history of working for California’s coastal interests, particularly for the ecological challenges that face Santa Monica Bay.

Wordsmithing a policy document to ensure continued funding is not a surrender to the lunatic right wing. To be sure, national outrage among even red hats has exploded in only two months of administration gyrations. By the midterm elections in less than two years, Republican congressional representatives will be running for the exits. We’ve seen this clown show before.

The Bay Foundation needs federal National Estuary Program funding to continue its great progress. Briefly pandering to the White House in order to ensure funding continuity is good politics, even if we must endure the stench of incompetent federal executive management for another 20 months.

David Kay, Playa Vista


To the editor: Where does it end? The Trump administration continues to stomp around the country demanding certain organizations stop making any reference to climate change and DEI in their correspondence and on their websites. What truly angers me is that these organizations just fold and acquiesce. I understand that some of these organizations are dependent on government dollars, but those dollars are worthless if they can’t be used to promote what you do without this administration’s preposterous government restrictions.

Daniel V. Shannon, Camarillo


To the editor: Virtue signal much? My kid’s a research diver for the Bay Foundation. The entire research world is being burned and you admonish the powerless. What have you done for the ocean lately? Where was the L.A. Times’ bravery when it came time to endorse a presidential candidate? Pot calling kettle: You’re black.

J. Marvin Campbell, Culver City


To the editor: I deeply thank Roth for his full explanation of the difficulty we are facing in our wetlands. We need to protect our wetlands and the plants and animals that live there, hopefully with better support from Ford. We scratch our heads, knowing it’s a mess in Washington, D.C., and we do right anyway. We hold much responsibility as shepherds of the wetlands, already worried that some support a destructive bulldozing project at the Ballona Creek Watershed.

For many years, we have worked closely with people whose ancestors are a vibrant coalition, reminding us of the importance of maintaining this lush ecological reserve. As a community, we are dedicated to maintaining the sacred space to honor and support our pristine land for our children, their families and all who follow us. Let’s be brave.

Wendy Zacuto, Playa del Rey

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