‘Sex slave to my husband’: A Singaporean’s 18-year ordeal in a Malaysian cult-linked group

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‘Sex slave to my husband’: A Singaporean's 18-year ordeal in a Malaysian cult-linked group


In 2007, on the pretext of “saving” her from rebelliousness and external influence, GISB forced her to marry a man 10 years her senior, who was also the son of an active and influential member, said Zoey.

“I was forced to marry because of my mouth. Because I spoke directly against their wishes.”

The then-teenager was married without the presence or permission of her parents. Islamic law in Singapore and Malaysia requires the bride’s father – or in his absence, someone of equivalent authority in the family – to give approval before a solemnisation can proceed. 

When she asked what would happen if she didn’t marry the man, GISB threatened to kick her mother – who was then a strong believer – out of the community. 

A week later and in Penang where the couple moved to, the man started kicking and hitting Zoey. He did so even when she was pregnant with his child, she said. 

“While I was pregnant all the way until I gave birth, whenever he wants to have sex, at any time, I have to say yes,” said Zoey. 

Over the years, GISB leaders have been quoted claiming that sexual prowess took a front seat in marriage, beyond that of stereotypical “good mother or good cook” roles.

Abuya’s eldest daughter herself has also come out to tell Malaysian media that she was forced into marriage with a GISB leader after her father’s death, and subjected to physical abuse by senior figures in the group. Ummu Atiyyah, now 41, said earlier this month that she was beaten, burned with a lighter, locked in a room, submerged in a pool and forced to strip among other atrocities.

Three years into her marriage, Zoey went to the police, and also sought to leave the man.

But she said her father-in-law told her to withdraw her report, promising that his son would change. 

“He also said that a divorce will bring shame to (GISB),” said Zoey. 

She said that her ex-husband also told her that before a woman turns 21, her spouse has “absolute caregiving rights” over her, and that if the husband doesn’t want a divorce, there’s nothing the wife can do. 

After having four children with the man, she tried again in 2014 to divorce him.

Yet this time it was her own mother who discouraged her from doing so, according to Zoey, who remains unsure if her mum was just carrying out GISB’s orders.

Over the years, she said she continued to speak out about her abuse, even showing a picture of her injuries to her mother as well as GISB’s senior leadership, including Abuya’s wife. But her cries allegedly went ignored. 

“(GISB leaders) kept telling me, your husband is your path to heaven.” 

Zoey said she also tried to take contraceptive pills but was discouraged by other members who said this went against their religion.

She went on to have five more children over the next seven years.

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