Study finds increased support for Russia, Putin among Malaysians, Singaporeans; stance on Israel-Hamas war a factor, say analysts

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Study finds increased support for Russia, Putin among Malaysians, Singaporeans; stance on Israel-Hamas war a factor, say analysts


Dr Storey told CNA that public perceptions of both Russia and Mr Putin are generally higher in Malaysia than in other Asian countries.

“For Malaysians, this issue has become even more important since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war in October 2023. Malaysians are generally critical of the United States’ stance on the war, and more supportive of Russia’s stand,” he said.

He added: “There are other factors too. Putin is seen as someone who defends ‘traditional values’ against the LGBTQ movement and ‘wokeism’ and this goes down well with conservative Malaysians.”

On the increase in support for Russia among Singaporeans, Dr Storey said that he “can’t think of any other reasons to account for that rise except for the Israel-Hamas war”.

“Many young Singaporeans have been upset about (it), both Muslims and non-Muslims. Sometimes, Russia is viewed favourably not because people are pro-Russian but because they are anti-American.”

Meanwhile, Mr Thomas Daniel – a Senior Fellow with Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia – told CNA that the views of the average Malaysian may be shaped by “how they view the policies of the West at large” which he added was a largely sceptical and critical one.

“In the case of the Russo-Ukrainian war, some would be more ready to believe those portrayed as ‘against the West’.  If the nefarious West is at fault, as they more often are, the other side must surely be in the right. It is a dangerously simplistic view of the world, but an unfortunate one that we must contend with,” he said.

In 2022, Mr Putin authorised a special military operation in breakaway areas of eastern Ukraine. This came after months of military presence along the borders to exert pressure on Ukraine, who had wanted to join NATO – a military alliance of over 30 countries in Europe and North America.

Asian Studies professor James Chin of the University of Tasmania believes that the Ukraine issue is not such a “big issue in this part of the world” as compared to the war in the Middle East.

“The number one factor as to why Malaysians and Singaporeans have a better view of Russia and Putin – especially Malaysia – is that the large number of the Muslim population, and also a significant portion of the non-Muslim population, sees Russian support in the Middle East for the Palestinian issue as a very important factor,” said Dr Chin.

Meanwhile, Dr Storey added that Russian narratives have found “fertile ground” in Southeast Asia.

“Many people have empathised with Russia’s claim that it was provoked into attacking Ukraine because of the eastward expansion of NATO,” he said.

Beyond that, Dr Storey also outlined reasons as to why he believes Mr Putin has scored well among Southeast Asian respondents.

He said: “Across the region, Putin has generally favourable ratings due to his perceived macho, strong-man image, and because he is viewed as standing up to the West.”

The Pew Research Center survey was released ahead of a July 2024 summit marking the 75th anniversary of NATO’s founding. The study found that a median of 63 per cent of adults across 13 member countries surveyed have a positive opinion of NATO, while a 33 per cent median have a negative opinion.

Separately, global ratings of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy are mixed, more than two years since Russia’s invasion of his country.

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