The Glasgow Rangers Gambling Experiment

by Admin
The Glasgow Rangers Gambling Experiment

The last 13 years are taking a toll on Glasgow Rangers and the fans. Personally, I thought that when Steven Gerrard’s Rangers won the title, we were close to being back to competing. Roll on 3 years and the lack of investment in the team at that time, I believe is the catalyst for what we have today. Have we invested – yes, but most windows bought the wrong players.

This is not opinion but fact as the proof is there in terms of sporting and commercial performance and the trading model. I think that there is a spiral downwards due to the lack of Champions League participation and year on year the club’s inability to arrest the fall. The club appears to be trying something different, which is now a huge gamble having made a lot of incorrect decisions since our last title win, but given where we are financially, we do not really have any choice.

So, we are left with the Philippe Clement (PC) experiment to cut costs, stabilise the club and build a new competitive team on a minimal budget (compared to Celtic). It does not matter if I or any other fan thinks it will be successful, the club seems to have pinned their colours to the PC mast, so it has to be successful and we won’t know for probably 3 years.

My own view is that PC is not the man to achieve this based on performance to date. He has now had a say in about 50% of the first team squad and i would suggest that only Igamane, who looks to be a special player, will prove capable of achieving the results for the new trading model, which seems to be the holy grail.

As things stand, the current Rangers is as poor a Rangers team as I have watched going back to the demise of John Greig’s team, which lead to his dismissal. I really hope PC can turn it round. As others have said, the club now appears to be temporarily accepting second best in exchange for the gamble of a successful new dawn.

This is not the Rangers that the fans recognise – particularly the older ones. Just like 2012, this is now about stabilising Rangers and survival. Survival to get the opportunity to come back, which will happen, but we need to suck it up and start to make 8 out of 10 correct decisions instead of the current 2 out of 10. Hard to take at the minute but we must support the Club.

Written by MOLS February 15 2025 20:47:21


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