The North Korean defector flying propaganda balloons to topple Kim

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The North Korean defector flying propaganda balloons to topple Kim


Pyongyang’s reaction to his balloons proves they have an impact on the North Korean public, Park said.

It is hard to imagine how little information the North’s 26 million people have access to, Park said, with the internet and media controlled by the regime.

This is why the leaflets matter and why they work, he said.

“I have received calls from around 800 defectors thanking me for my mission, telling me that they had seen my leaflets in the North,” he said, adding that he wouldn’t stop his campaign.

His critics claim his actions risk escalating the tense security situation between the two Koreas, which remain technically at war since the 1950 to 1953 conflict ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty.

But Park dismisses the accusations, saying his campaign is peaceful: “While Kim is firing missiles non-stop, our message is to stop such violence.”

His ultimate aim is for the Kim regime to fall, which he hopes can happen due to domestic change, not an outside intervention.

“These leaflets will deliver truth to the North Korean people, who will then use them to rise up against the Kim regime and topple it,” he said.

“My leaflets are of truth, money and love.”

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