Theater critic provided just the right words to describe ‘Here There Are Blueberries’

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Theater critic provided just the right words to describe 'Here There Are Blueberries'

To the editor: Upon leaving the production of “Here There Are Blueberries” at the Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, I remained stunned at the extraordinary writing and performance itself, the message of the banality of the Nazis who ran Auschwitz, and the startling staging with the display of found photographs.

The detailed images and the voices onstage offered deepened historical lessons and questions about the mysterious twins of banal and evil. I wondered how I might possibly describe this play to friends and found myself stymied. Then the next day I read Charles McNulty’s excellent article (“How a photo of Nazis eating blueberries inspired Moisés Kaufman and Amanda Gronich’s Holocaust play,” March 14). Now I am making copies to share, while sending thanks to McNulty for his measured thoughts and words.

Nancy Levinson, Los Angeles

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