To the editor: Two months into his tenure as president, Donald Trump’s administration has created a constitutional crisis (“The United States careens toward a constitutional crisis,” March 20). What does this mean? In legal parlance I would say that it means the rule of law, as well as constitutional freedoms and the separation of powers, is on the way out.
That’s the legal jargon. In plain language, it means we are entering into a dictatorship. The law, the courts, the rules and doctrines that have preserved and promoted freedom, equality and adherence to proven truths are going out the window, and the protections to keep them in place from Congress and the courts are disappearing. It’s obvious.
The current president calls judges who rule against him “crooked” and advocates their impeachment. He tells us that judges are not elected, forgetting that they are appointed to be insulated from political pressures, not subject to them. His administration attacks lawyers and law firms because they represent his political enemies. The right to legal counsel is not supposed to be targeted on attorneys who are representing their legitimate clients.
Basically, the public is witnessing the end of freedom, fairness, protections, thought-out policies, health, safety, national defense and financial security — and America as it was meant to be. Our country will disappear, unless a substantial counter wave of action can be launched and can prevail. That is what is at stake!
Michael Harvey Miller, Pasadena
The writer is an attorney.