Ukraine: President Zelenskyy calls for more military equipment from Western partners

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Ukraine: President Zelenskyy calls for more military equipment from Western partners

President Zelenskyy also said that to protect the country’s energy infrastructure, Ukraine might need to attack Russian energy infrastructure.


President Zelenksyy says Ukraine needs 25 Patriot air defense systems to fully defend its airspace and protect the entire country from Russian missile attacks.

Speaking at his first news conference since he returned from the United States, the Ukrainian President also said he wants Western partners to send more F-16 warplanes than those already pledged.

Zelenskyy said a six-month delay in military assistance from the US, the biggest single contributor to Ukraine, meant that Kyiv’s forces have “lost the initiative” on the front line.

Since the US aid resumed in April, Ukraine has been scrambling to block a Russian offensive in eastern areas.

Western support is crucial for Ukraine against Russia’s bigger army. 

Zelenskyy didn’t say how many Patriot systems Ukraine currently possesses, though it is far fewer than the 25 he says his country needs as Russia has battered the national power grid.

The US and other NATO allies promised last week to provide Ukraine with dozens of air defence systems in the coming months, including at least four of the sophisticated and expensive Patriot systems.

F-16 warplanes pledged by Western countries are due to arrive in Ukraine in two waves: the first batch this summer, and the second by the end of the year.

Zelenskyy acknowledged the deliveries will not, on their own, be a game-changer in the war, as the Russian air force is far larger. Ukraine will therefore need more warplanes.

Celebrating independence amid war

It comes as Ukraine celebrates the Day of Ukrainian Statehood, a national holiday that was introduced in 2021 on the country’s 30th anniversary of independence.

At a Statehood day prayer event at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, President Zelenskyy held a minute’s silence for Ukrainian soldiers who have died during the country’s war with Russia.

“Today, on the Day of Ukrainian Statehood, on the Day of the Baptism of Rus’ of Ukraine, we thank all of you, all of you whose dedication to Ukraine, integrity and sense of duty keep Ukraine safe, just as Oranta [the Virgin Mary] keeps Kyiv safe. It has never been easy for Ukraine. And it would have been impossible to survive, to fight for its destiny, if our people were not so brave, not so strong, not so capable of feeling decisive moments and acting, acting when the usually inexorable history still is subordinate to the bravery of the Ukrainian people,” President Zelenskyy said in his speech. 

“Everyone who cares about Ukraine, is proud of Ukraine and does everything he or she can to ensure that Ukraine wins. To ensure that our statehood, our independence, our culture, our history and our people will always be on this land. Glory to everyone who cares about Ukraine, who cares about Ukrainians. Glory to everyone who is fighting for Ukraine! May the memory of all our people who gave their lives to keep Ukraine alive be bright and eternal,” he added.

The holiday coincides with the Baptism Day of Kievan Rus’-Ukraine, which marks Prince Volodymyr the Great of Kyiv’s adoption of Christianity as the state religion in around 988 (although the exact year is disputed).

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